3DChicken partners with QuantumShadow3D, aka TonyG to become the first Official UK/EU distributor

3DChicken partners with QuantumShadow3D, aka TonyG to become the first Official UK/EU distributor

More exciting news! some of you may already know Scott ( 3Dchicken ) from our Discord support squad already. What you don't know is that Scott has been working hard in the back ground running our discord but also trying to help build the Mesh in his own special way.

Over the last month or so Scott has been in talks with the famous Tony G from QuantumShadow3D. Now if you dont know this already Tony is famous globally for some of the best meshtastic cases money can buy.
All designed by himself the products realy are top notch and hes a well respected guy in the meshtastic community. The issue always was getting these into the UK and Europe - import taxes and shipping are a killer as we know.

Well Scott's brokered a deal with Tony to become the first Official UK/EU supplier of Tonys cases! Trust me when i tell you Tony wouldn't be doing this with just anyone and the quality and service needs to be as good as if it was coming from tony himself.

And yes you guessed it these cases will be avabile on the our store. So now you'll be able to buy the Node you want with the case you need.. not bad huh? Keep an eye out on the store for more information in the coming days

Real meshtastic community building this from our friends across the pond, sheesh even im impressed as nothing gets past tony - hopefully he never reads this.

For understanding i have had a lot of questions from makers asking if they can put them on the store, the founders and the tech team have all agreed that between Scott and Chris ( the bender and nibbler case guy ) we have more than enough for now, but honestly thanks for asking, we feel honoured that the community thinks we are good enough to promote some amazing products.

As i have said already we are open to discussions on promoting the community map on the map page itself as this is not part of the store - if you have an idea send me a message on our discord. The final decision will be voted on by the founders alongside our very talented technical team - after all we are a community too.

Speaking of the map, MQTT and they old school way we are collecting the data has pretty much made it unusable therefore i have made the decision to turn of MQTT reporting but only for now. The map will stay online of course and will always be free, to be fair you guys own it pretty much. When Neil's moved offices in the coming months we can make some progress on the BIG updates, its pretty much a rebuild now but no data will be lost. Please bear with us, we are doing this in our own time for free.

Store news.

For those asking nearly all the RAK Meshtastic starter kits have sold. This is from the batch that is now expected to land at some point Tuesday 16th April - testing will start on the 18th as i have to take some time out form the world- those who know, thank you for your support.
Just and FYI that IF we do order more RAK units for the store the price will be increasing, these prices we purely as a thank you to our discord community and pretty much nothing was made on them.
TOP TIP - if your looking to buy from RAK directly with the 15% discount and shipping deals they have do it NOW. The reasoning is that i have it in writing that the MSRP will be going up.
( Now if i was a ruthless business man i wouldn't tell you to buy from RAK direct would i? )

Heltec wise, still plenty in stock. Yes you can buy them cheaper as long as you prepared to wait for the slow boat and your happy to buy products untested - Does anyone find it funny that as the offical dealer we have to test but if you buy direct they are untested? make of that what you will.
For info the weekend of 19,20,21 we will be exhibiting at NARSA the radio rally in Blackpool - The heltec nodes will have a special price for that weekend only and yes of course i will be doing that for our store for the people who cannot make the rally itself.

Yes we are selling merchandise, well you lot did ask for T shirts, Hoodies and Mugs so they are on there! Special thanks to Andy for making the first purchase, glad you liked it.

Who's brave enough to send a picture of you wearing it?

Negotiations are still ongoing with Lily go, Paradar and Mcgill Microwave antennas. Progress is pretty slow as i have to just get next week over to start pushing hard again to find the best deals.

Also don't forget we do have a nice prize set for the longest contact competition thats sponsored by Paradar and Mpowered247 - we need someone to take the reigns on this exciting competition who has the time.

Your still reading this?

Can i ask a favour, if you have bought something form our store can you drop me a one lier as a testimonial please? i would like to put these on our website - extra Haribo for you next time you order...

Commercially we are still very much in the red, but im not worried as this was always the expectation and while we promote and build the mesh it does help towards the bigger plan. That Bigger plan will do nothing but build a better mesh for you the community while keeping it all open source, after all you did build it right?

Oh and one last thing, thanks to a certain cat mpowered247 will be having its own exclusive cases designed ( and built by Scott, although hes doesnt know it yet ) coming hopefully soon, i just have to find the right nip and sort the details - yeah im excited by this...very... like its 11:40pm and im sat here killing time talking to myself.

Happy meshing folks and thank you for using our map, joining our discord and liking our mpowered247.com YouTube videos...

 Our discord:  https://discord.gg/bxZctuMb

 And follow us on YouTube pretty please.. 

mpowered247 - YouTube


And yes we are livestreaming Friday night only on our discord!




oh and thanks to BrooklynBubbler for that amazing photo :)

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