A new Kid on the Block? MESHCORE
Good job that as the UK RAKWireless dealers our kit supports more than just meshtastic!
So some back story, Meshtastic's been taking a hammering in the last few months, complaints from the community on a lack of communication and listening to what the consumers are saying is at the top of a very long list of issues that don't seem to be going away... hopefully there is some learning going on here. For sure the Blackpool network still runs meshtastic and the node count and our sales continues a healthy life.
Here comes Andy with another bombshell to upset the market.
So here at mpowered247 we always knew that Lora would end up using various formats, pretty much VHS and Betamax for those who remember.
So we had better do some testing ourselves with the RAK equipment we supply ( and some old HELL tecs too )
Its very early days and I've been asking a lot of questions on setup and making plenty of mistakes on the way...plenty. Well this whole setup does needs to be moron proof right?
Up to now I've built a repeater connected to a huge Mcgill antenna outside here at Blackpool Airport and also a solar attic window one at home in Thornton. A couple of clients and even my T Deck has succumbed to the Meshcore virus!
I'm pretty excited to see how this goes, so far im the only person round here it seems, but that's part of the fun right? and surely you have a old heltec sat in a drawer doing nothing? probably because you realised how much better RAK was right?
Support is pretty good so far, plenty of people know about it and the developer Recrof? actually listens and helps the users? like WTAF?
Oh and i should mention Liam Cottle who's sorted the IOS app so the superior race of Apple users can run it too /me waits for hate - Please make a full on IOS app!
Oh and some documented dummies guides on setup would be great, having to use chrome pains me but still.
Lastly don't forget our February / March draw to win a RAK Wireless Wismesh all in one unit ( works with Meshcore and Meshtastic ) All you have to do is purchase anything in these two months to enter - i have to mention this here as Andys not mentioned our draw to win this in his video's... maybe that's due to me taking the mick out of those vests.
Thanks for reading this.
Happy Meshing
aka xraymark