Being a grown up...

Being a grown up...

Firstly, yes that's a render but yet that is the all new exclusive case designed by Alley Cat that Scott's from is going to be printing for us.... a proud moment for us that's being made as we speak. I Should have one in my hands for Friday nights live stream to show you!

Other news, big news. So we applied today to be a real life company and entered our registration, in a couple of days we should be fully registered as a business along with new premises and everything! This has gone from a cottage industry into a fully equipped business with the support a a great community... starting to feel pressure yet?

Stock wise we are working out numbers, at the moment our starting point is around two hundred and fifty RAKwireless Meshtastic starter kits along side sensors like GPS, OLED screens and other meshtastic components.. oh and RAK Blade antenna's that we keep getting asked for.

The web shop should be pretty busy and will have some nice exclusive offers, also to answer some questions yes we will also be on Amazon with some luck and no we wont be overinflating the prices to ridiculous amounts.

Exciting times ahead for everyone.

I will keep you posted on here but if you want updates best to keep an eye on our community discord and our YouTube channel - lots of content coming soon.

Hopefully see you Friday night for our live stream antics where i might crash a drone with a node stuck to it...

Thanks for being here and happy meshing.



AKA xraymark



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