Friday nights live stream and other news.
Well its been another busy week, we are really looking forward to having some fun and trying to live stream while on the Mesh up winter hill! We have doubled the length of the pole and will be running the Mcgill Antenna again with a "tweaked" node that's been looked over by Ben from our technical team - hopefully i wont blow this one up! see you at 8:30pm if all goes well. That pictures of Winter Hill by the way, its pretty high yes.
Speaking of blowing things up i did try to install the super node last weekend and some how blew it up... not sure how or why but that that's the business were in. And it keeps Ben off the streets after all...
So what else, well ive seen the Alley Cat case that's been exclusively built and designed for the mpowered247 store now... and wow, you'll be impressed! As soon as Mr chicken has done his magic we will be showing it live on the next stream. To say we are excited and amazed at what she did from my amazing paint drawing would be an understatement. Oh and this case has a trick up its sleeve, a trick that no-one to my knowledge has ever done with a meshtastic case.
Stock wise, everything we had has now been dispatched! if you have any issues get in touch, please. The order for more Heltec V3's are on the way and we have included the Heltec Capsule as its been requested, alot.
Had another meeting with RAKwireless this week, very positive and while i cannot say to much yet but its simply a case of sorting some commercial details out- the UK community will be very happy. As you can see from the website we are already a channel partner for RAK but we intend to take this a step further, after all the community tells us that RAK is the best of best.
Like i say its been another tough week, but make no mistake your support as a community helps alot, its you that drives us and every single one of your comments and feedback pushes us one step closer to building a working mesh for everyone. Without saying too much, unscrupulous behaviour towards us and you as a community will not be tolerated, no matter who you are. We are a community and this is a business, the difference is we don't hide it.
Again, thanks to all the tech team and the mods in our discord channel, without them none of this would be possible and we are forever in your debt. When we make the first million i will buy you all a shandy.
The weekend cannot come quick enough, so looking forward to getting on the mesh, having fun and chewing the fat with you all.
AKA xraymark.