Not another lawsuit i hear you say....
No, not at all. That's our new "friends" logo - all our partners are friends, just like our community just like our customers.
Now a few people from the community have said that the website and marketing is shocking and why does a man with no style and colour-blindness get let loose with the mpowered247 website? - that's because Neil and Ben are worse than me - you have seen neils shirts right?
Im at the end of my creative " journey " - and Alan keeps telling me im pants at it and should get a proper job.
One thing we are good at here is networking.. or as we like to call it making friends. and we have made a lot in a short time and im grateful for it.
Enter Chris Ridley ( The zerofox3d bender case guy ) Now Chris knows a thing or to about this type of stuff and said in a very kind way... you need to up your game.
And to be honest i have always had the ethos of surrounding yourself with clever people and listen to them.
So an introductions were made and next thing we are in a meeting (they didn't even take us out for lunch - unlike RAKwireless
Next thing you know project " mpowered247" was born. Now these guys know their stuff from a marketing and website point of view and can help us grow. Because lets face it im good with crayons and that's it.
So keep an eye out on the website and our marketing and lets see how these very nice guys make it so we don't look like we are running out of someones basement
No pressure gents ( yes they read my blog, that's four of you now! )
We are genuinely excited to work with Cybergogo and the team - link below
Wonder if they will tell me to stop writing blogs....?
More bits landed today for the EcoFlow solar powered meshtastic super node base of operations... that really does need a better "codename" Hopefully that build will start next week and ill video some bits of it - as long as i can steal a competent human by the name of Dave... Dave fixes things, not only my mistakes that is.
The RAKwireless solar enclosure with the "big as i can fit" battery in it died.. i mean it held out for about 8 days but finally gave up due to not enough sun, being on the parcel shelf of the car and having all the settings like beaconing and gps turned up... it did well. Now im going to turn on the power saving stuff and see how it fares... testing see?
Ben is currently lost up a mountain but does have his RAK node and the Heltec Capsule node, weather permitting hes off up Helvelyyn? and going to test both.. for 1 hour... you know why only one hour right.. Video to follow if he gets home.
New node location confirmed!
irretrievable celebrant paintbrushes
Any wiser?
In other news Andy has openly said he will stop wearing a vest on his YouTube channel if send him and mpowered247 T shirt... there is a good after all..
Thanks for reading.
Happy Meshing all
aka xraymark