Map the Mesh - /MQTT LEFT CHAT
Now our community map at map.mpowered247.com has been going a while, 34 countries and over 1500 users its doing pretty well we think. Community based it kept away from all those mqtt privacy issues and meant you didn't need to have a node connected to the internet...
This is the start of in my opinion the ultimate upgrade!
I want a map that reads real RF ( not mqtt ) and reports it to a stylish dashboard i can access anywhere on the internet - and its less clunky than the official one that's "rough" to say the least.
So lets connect a box of tricks to the node and do that, a magical box of trickery.
Now i would love to tell you whats going on inside this raspberry Pi but to be honest its above my pay grade. Alan from our tech team built it and i some how managed to connect it to my "super node" with some expert tutoring.
( this is going to be a key component in the solar powered super summer house thingy )
So what does it look like so far, well this:
My node and the info about it from a status point of view, nice huh?
But what else i hear you say, well lets take a look at the other nodes my node can "see" via real RF:
Impressive right? and useable and it doesn't look like a 12 year old built it! and more importantly even i can use it.. wowzers.
And a node list you can actually read to! click on any of the nodes for the full real-time (ish) RF info coming from it!
Im going to run this alongside the super node, powered by the eco flow battery and the solar panels with my "dashboard" displaying all this lovely performance data!
Now this is in the early stages, beta.. or even alpha and Alan has told me specifically not to do a YouTube video on it as he doesn't want a million people logging in an complaining about the issues, hes still building it right.
If your reading this though ( all three of you ) you can ask Alan about joining up and helping build on this exciting model.
Your best heading over to our discord and looking under the map the mesh project section for news and updates.
Our Discord can be found here:
RF people rejoice, Alan has saved you from the devil that is mqtt and this for sure will help build the mesh the right way - oh and it looks super cool too.
Keep an eye out for future updates, this is going to be HUGE.
Thanks for reading.
aka xraymark