Mqtt, the map vote - your vote counts, unless your an mqtt user of course.
So those who know me know im no fan of mqtt, but this is a community so needs must. Hence the vote on our map.mpowered247.com page, if you haven't voted please do so. The vote will be closed Friday night at 8pm GMT and the map willl refresh ( please god ) with the result. We have been testing both options for a week.. and its been a long week... very long, neils died twice and is currently in rehab.
For my love of mqtt if it ends up being a yes im very happy with the community choice ( thanks kilo and Aero ) of its default being off and the user having to turn it on in their own personal profile. When you first get to the page to view it it'll be turned on..when your not logged in.
Now bear in mind this, ( as we have to prepare for either eventuality ) if this ends up being a yes to display mqtt this is going to "scan" from scratch... at 8pm!! so when it starts it going to populate directly from the mesthtastic server every 30 mins.. so if your on the page itll grow more every half hour for the rest of its life... got that? at 8pm its going to be pretty empty as all the data comes in and it populates - now we have tested this.. and it works.. EVERYTHING CROSSED.
We halted all the other design changes to the map until this was resolved, for the simple reason of the community asking for this being priority number one, that doesn't mean we are not making changes it just means we have lives and wives and jobs etc... itll always be a work in progress. - neil says that's development.. for me its like buying a alpha game off steam thats never really finished... but this is FREE... like really free and funded from the online store.
Store wise its on a boat... all of it. After a lengthy discussion with Lillygo we have finally come to an agreement on bulk purchase costs.. that means decent prices for you.. Really this means we are now the official UK dealers for Heltec Rak Wireless Lilygo to name a few... with that comes proper service and support.
Speaking of support, and doing the online store. We have invested in some test kit today, Nano VNA and a signal analyser amongst some other stuff that's way over my head.... Bens on the learning curve... he doesn't know yet but that's standard for us. By no means will we be selling untested crap.
Back to working on the map with neil before his head explodes and he tells me once more.... " are you mad" and " thats impossible"
See you Friday night in our discord if your around, we might even do voice comms and a beer or two.
Here's the discord link again if you want to join us:
AKA xraymark.