So how did we get here ( again )
So being a geek and a licensed ham radio operator Meshtastic was always going to "pop up" on my radar. Having got a LilyGo T Echo many months ago it had sat on my desk at the office waiting for others to join.
Months went by, then one night while browsing You Tube i came across one of Andy Kirby's video's and starting watching... them all.. Then like You Tube does it shows you more and more Meshtastic stuff.
Then came the Meshtastic node map ( yes the maps rubbish so we are building a new one! ) the UK was covered in nodes, none of them in Blackpool however. Its time to recruit some friends who might enjoy this too. The plan is to get them obsessed like i now am.
To say i have bought kit from all the suppliers on this store would be an understatement. I have tried and test each one of these components personally as i believe reputation is king and i just cannot bring myself to sell rubbish.
The friends and business partners i brought into the idea loved it and we discussed an online business as both have a particular set of skills ( not like the Taken movie )
Neil aka the software guy
Ben aka the field engineer
We now have relationships with all the top manufacturers to get the best prices and quality that's available from sales to product support. Along the journey its always good to bring new friends to the party for help and guidance.
Enter Mr Andy Kirby, he knows a little about this Meshtastic stuff and will help us build the network while we grow.
Already having the software guy on staff i needed a "scotty" for the super technical hardware stuff and someone who knows radio well, like really well -Enter Ben aka Vektor Radio - see the coming soon part in our store
The teams now complete, so the mission is simple
Help grow the Meshtastic Network
Support everyone involved in this be they a customer or not
Get a UK based supply chain of only the best Meshtastic products that are accessible quickly and tested!
Dont scam people of their cash like a certain Ali Express store did this week!
link to Andys YouTube for plenty of Meshtastic info: (186) andy kirby - YouTube
link to my YouTube often Streaming Blackpool Airport
Oh and if you want me im often found in Andy's Discord or even my own.
AKA xraymark