Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
Yeah that's a quote from Vince Lombardi, hes considered to be one of the greatest NFL coaches of all time... yes i googled it before you start.
So a few things going on at the moment that's keeping us busy, mainly the RAKwireless exclusivity deal for the UK. Lots of paper work, contracts and supply lines and storage to consider here. We are happy though as were all learning, building relationships and trust and moving forward with our master plan of supplying Meshtastic powered devices into the UK and Europe better faster and cheaper than anyone else, along with a proper support package from here in the UK
Please bear with us, we really want to get this right.
So as some of you know we did in the very early days get into somewhat of a pickle using the Meshtastic name in our domain name, we sorted that and all was well. Now im somewhat of a genius when it comes to causing problems unintentionally. So when we did it again in our "partnership" statement. I guess this is a learning curve for us as mistakes were be made by both parties, this was not one of them but caused upset none the less, with opensource you have to keep everyone happy. And thats is not easy trust me.
So with the upcoming mpowered247.com exclusive case that's coming the founders and myself took the plunge and decided we wanted to rebrand. Our own colours, our own logo the whole thing. Now i have had help with this, i mean a lot of help, as some of you know i am artistically challenged to say the least. Thanks Alley Cat - Alana for putting up with my sh1t... We are super excited to show this off and the Alley Cat / mpowered247 exclusive case!
So the picture you see, on the new upcoming case is going to be our new logo, so its my intention to do a YouTube video, launch the new exclusive case and also show off our rebrand. Its been a journey ( code for nightmare / headache )
Safe to say that if you are wanting to get involved in some way with meshtastic as a community business and you want advice im happy to give it. You have to remember yes its open source but the brand name Meshtastic is a trademarked LLC. Get over yourself and except that, its the only real way to grow the mesh when the community is of this size.
Think i was just sick in my mouth saying that.
If you want help its here, just ask in our discord.
Stock wise, Heltec V3's are in stock but we are not showing many as we are holding them back for this weeks delivery of bender cases - yeah these took ages to land.... and that's my fault - the store will have node and case options.
Other nodes on the shelf are the Heltec Sensor Capsule nodes, these are getting a ton of hate at the moment due to battery life. Every "expert" on the planet is out after watching a YouTube video saying how rubbish the battery life is... REALY? are you SERIOUS? look at the size of the thing? my thumb is bigger and ive really small hands.. that does have its advantages mind... i digress.
Me personally ive bought 3 for myself, use case scenario SHTF if my phone fails, my radio fails, my RAK node fails... the list goes on. Its a use case job, but please stop stating the obvious about the battery. . And you could easily strap it to a drone.. a weather balloon or next doors cat... only for an hour or two mind. I will do a YouTube review and await the hate, this is the internet after all.
I LIKE THE SENSOR CAPSULE NODE v3 - there, im out of the closet.
Oh and yes the RAK version is being discussed, the CEO of RAKwireless says im not allowed to mention that yet though <<<- insert legal counsel advice here.
Myself, the founders and Scot Chicken are thinking about attending a Radio Rally in Rochdale i think it is on the !5th of next month too so if you live in the area come and say hi! Plenty of stuff will be on the stand this time and hopefully we wont run out... hopefully.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, once again its you the community that make this all fun and worth doing. After all Meshtastic is only as good as the people talking on it.
Dont forget, join our discord! I saw i really nice comment this week on Facebook saying how good and useful our mpowered247 tech team was! And i don't believe it was even purchased from us. The true meaning of community right there.
Oh and don't start me with the number of views on the mpowered247 YouTube channel, i mean i have no idea how Andy does that, im miles better looking after all....
Speak soon, happy meshing gang.
aka xraymark.