Your meshtastic community needs you!
That's a dramatic title right?
Its true that as a community we have grown! a good few hundred of you now lurk in our discord and some of you even speak, hopefully its informative as well as a fun to be in, we grow daily that's a fact.
Between our discord and Andy's there is some pretty hefty numbers there!
So the question is this, do you want to help grow the community even further? at this time we are looking for volunteers to add to our technical team ( its not that we have lost anyone but simply that people are dealing with real life right now )
So if you feel your technical enough, have some spare time and are as passionate about meshtastic and other "off grid" solutions then drop me a message. We offer free hugs and a bag of chips in Blackpool... joking apart we are working on a system to reward our technical team and moderation team - not sure on the details yet but things like discounts and other rewards are all in the mix.
So if you think you can help out in some way with either the technical team or the moderation team send me a message - lets grow this.
I'm away from Tuesday so my replies may be a little sparse.
And if you don't want to apply, thanks for being here anyway.
PS don't forget to keep an eye on our YouTube for meshtasitc antics while im away...
aka xraymark.